First Name
Last Name
Please provide links and/or usernames for your social media:
How did you hear Spellbound's Beta & ARC teams?
Referred by a friend
Other (please explain below)
If you selected "Other" or "Referred by a friend" above, please share their name or the "other" source below:
Have you ever been a beta reader before?
Yes, many times!
Yes, once or twice!
No, but I am excited at the prospect!
Have you ever been an ARC reader before?
Yes, many times!
Yes, once or twice!
No, but I am excited at the prospect!
We take honesty and integrity very seriously at Spellbound Publishing House, LLC. This means all of our beta readers and ARC readers must sign a contract stating that they will not pirate the work of our authors OR sell their work to others. Are you comfortable doing so?
We are unable to pay our beta readers and ARC readers, but we will provide free eBook copies of the books that will be read to our Beta readers and a free eBook copy and a PR box when the book is released to our ARC readers.
I understand and am still interested in participating.
I understand, but no compensation is a dealbreaker for me.
If you are chosen to beta read for any given work, you will be held to a deadline for providing feedback to our editor and the author. Is this something you feel you would be capable of doing?
I have some reservations.
If you are chosen to be an ARC reader for any given work, you will be held to a deadline for providing an honest review on platforms such as Amazon, Google Books, and Goodreads. Is this something you feel you would be capable of doing?
Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns? Let us know here and we will get back to you!